Networking – it is a situation where you thrive, or which can make you nervous. Networking is an important aspect of advancing your career and may seem daunting to some, but it doesn’t have to be. Networking can be from getting to know a new person to going to an event. There are also different types of networking – speed networking, networking events, lunch and learns, coffee events, volunteering, or simply getting to know your neighbors and those in your community.
So how do you effectively network while having meaningful conversations?
Attend events – There are events that you can join. Typically, you can find these events on Eventbrite or Facebook events if you search for local events. Many job fairs, workshops, and other related events can be found on these websites. These resources provide you with information about what to expect at these events and on Facebook you can follow the conversation of what others are saying about the event in the discussion tab. Attend events that suit your interests.
Conversations – When you are going out to meet new people it is important to remember to ask them questions and practice active listening. Don’t be afraid to ask open-ended questions and always be receptive to new ideas that you may hear about from other people. This is especially important when you are networking in business. People will have all different kinds of businesses and may even be willing to collaborate with you on projects if your skills match. The key thing to remember when networking or getting to know new people is that you never know who you will meet so going in with an open mind is important. And always remember to bring business or contact cards so you can stay in touch with those you meet.
Follow up and stay connected – After going to a networking event one thing a lot of professionals practice is keeping in touch with who they met. When you network, you don’t need to connect with everyone in the room. Make it a point to make 1 to 3 solid connections. Get their contact and follow up with them through email or on social media sites like LinkedIn. Send a message with a simple hello and what you enjoyed or found interesting about your conversation. Always enter a networking connection with how you can be of help!
Networking is an important part of the career-building process. The key point to remember is that networking doesn’t stop when you get a job, you should always continue to go out and meet new people. After building relationships (some can turn into friendships) you will have a network of people you can connect with should you have a project you need help with, your company is searching for a new candidate to fill a role, or many other opportunities.
Jennifer Bouley is a Career Development Practitioner located in St Stephen. She has a passion for helping others find wellness in their careers, while finding fulfilling jobs. Jennifer can be reached at