Home > LOCAL NEWS > Group seeking wheelchair accessible bus holds Valentine’s Day fundraiser

Group seeking wheelchair accessible bus holds Valentine’s Day fundraiser

By Barbara Rayner, The Courier

ST. GEORGE – Lorraine Justason is determined there will be a wheelchair accessible bus available in St. George by this summer one way or another.

“I don’t care how I get it. When I make my mind up to do something, I am going to do it,” said the driving force behind
We-Re-Running Late Bussing.

She started the campaign last summer to raise funds – estimated at about $95,000 – for a bus which can accommodate two wheelchairs as well as 17 to 19 passengers and would be available to people from Musquash to Campobello.

Justason, who lives in Pocologan, said that when she joined the Granite Town Seniors in St. George last year, she felt badly for a member who was unable to take part in any of the group’s trips because she is in a wheelchair and there was no bus to accommodate that.

“I decided that was not right. I woke up one night thinking about it and felt there should be something so people who are handicapped can get out and enjoy themselves so I mentioned it to the president of the club.”

Since then she has been busy pursuing funding opportunities and support including approaching the St. George Masonic Lodge to see if the project can be included in the next round of their Chase The Ace and talking to as many mayors as possible in Charlotte County as well as McAdam along with the two local MLAs and the South West New Brunswick Service Commission.

“I was advised to get my own organization started and I now have a non-profit organization – We-Re-Running Late Bussing – and we have a board. I am the president and the treasurer. We have a board meeting on the fourth Sunday of the month at Magaguadavic Place from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m.”

Justason said they have held some fundraising dinners including one on Christmas Day and the next event coming up is a roast beef dinner followed by a dance at the Legion Hall in St. George on Valentine’s Day. Tickets will be $10 for the dinner and $10 for the dance. To date they have raised $1,400.

“I have talked to a lot of people who are willing to donate and I will be attending the trade show in St. Stephen on May 3 and 4.I have also contacted the nursing homes and Horizon Health.”

Now that they are incorporated she said they can ask for funding towards the project and she will be approaching different organizations.

“This bus would be for everybody to enjoy. If you are in a wheelchair or visually impaired it is hard to go anywhere. It is not right for these people to be excluded.”

Plans are to try to have an event once a month including a tea social in March before St. Patrick’s Day, a pancake breakfast during the long weekend in May, and a bean and ham supper in June.

Justason said she would love to see more people on the board and they can show up for one of the monthly meetings or call her at 506-639-6628 for more information.

“I am determined that we will have this bus. Everybody laughs at me because I am so passionate about it.”

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