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Free tax clinic program seeks volunteers, host organizations

You can volunteer to help Canadians with a modest income and a simple tax situation complete their tax returns for free.

The Community Volunteer Income Tax Program was launched by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) in 1971.

Natasha Brewer, a spokesperson for the program, said they are seeking community organizations and volunteers to take part.

“Individuals can participate in clinics both in person, but there are also virtual filing options as well, and virtual could look like assisting over the phone or through using other technologies such as video conversations through a computer,” Brewer told our newsroom.

“If you didn’t want to be a tax preparer, we do have volunteer roles such as greeters or booking appointments for some of the by-appointment clinics. So, there are a variety of different options for being involved as well.”

Those who do want to volunteer as a tax preparer do need to have a Canadian income tax return completed in their name for the 2023 tax year.

Nearly 16,000 community organizations and more than 3,400 volunteers were part of the program last year, according to numbers provided by CRA.

Brewer said it is important to file a return, even if you are tax exempt or have no income to report, as it could open up eligible benefits and credits you might be entitled to.

Last year, the program helped more than 758,000 Canadians get more than $2 billion in refunds, credits and benefits.

You can learn more how to volunteer or host a free tax clinic on the CRA website.

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